
Patient / Patience - R.#1

So – today am looking at the word “Patience” also because it came up within me drawing the “I-Ching” orakle today where the draws description or name is “nourished while waiting” and the according action: “Patience”. Now, looking at a word Patience in it self, i saw that my current definition or what it “means” to me is that “i have to be patient WITH something/someone outside”, that there are things/points/circumstance i can not change/influence and that i have to silently/inactively wait for those to conclude – Points/things/circumstances that are out of my control and i can not do anything more, than wait, see and hope for the best – which is a very disempowering definition righ there. It also contains a dimension of “blame”, as i blame external points (people/circumstances/the system) for me apparently having to wait and being/feeling incapacitated. Looking where this comes from, i primarily see childhood memories, where i was “told” to be patient with either

Gift (German) / Poison - R.#1

Gift – das Gift (German) means “Poison” (english) Why i am looking at this word specifically today is, that i was looking up the exact definition of “toxic” and “toxicicity” during investigations and toxic – pointed me to “giftig/gift” and looking that up, in the entymological dictionary revealed that the german word “Gift” (Posion) till the 15-16 th century meant a positive thing, a endowment, gift (english), present or talent etc. something one was “gifted with”, like a particular skill or strenght and only THEN the definition of the word switched (was switched?) to mean “poison/toxicant” which seems to me like the meaning of the word was “artificially” changed or reprogrammed. "talented, endowed by nature with some skill or power," GIFTED (1640s, from I find if fascinating that and ask myself why this definition was changed/switched to such a degree and what comes up for me now it, that there is a (extreme) polarity –

Introduction - Purpose and Context of this Blog

Introduction In this blog i am going to share my process of redefining and living words as a way and practical application to change my self and so my world. Words are the building-blocks of “who we are” and “who we are” creates the world and reality that we share and co-create individually and together. Photo taken by: Sinovera, on Deviantart Within our lives, we have accumulated certain definitions and given meanings to the words that we live and exist as ourselves and seldomly are we aware of the words we are living/existing as and the definitions and they impact, shape and create ourselves, the experience of ourselves and so our world and reality in fact. Changing and redefining the words we live and exist as, is one of the most direct and effective ways to change and transform ourselves. These documents shall serve as a record of my own process of redefining and living words, to for example introduce new words to my living vocabulary or revie